Our expertise
Social law
Advising company directors and executives in charge of human resources, our team is involved in all areas of labour law and social security, offering its clients a global vision and personalised support at every stage of their development.
Available and proactive, our team will support you in the day-to-day management of your human resources, in the implementation of complex projects and in your litigation strategy.
- Employment contracts and amendments
- Organisation and implementation of delegations of authority
- Implementation of the employer’s disciplinary powers
- Termination of employment contracts (redundancy procedures, termination of fixed-term contracts, contractual termination)
- Amicable settlement of individual disputes
- Staff representative bodies (professional elections, information and consultation, CSE/Business and Social Council rules of procedure, operation of the CSSCT/Health and Safety Commitees, etc.)
- Procedures for collective redundancies for economic reasons
- Drafting or reviewing your internal regulations
- Organisation of working time (annualisation, fixed rates, part-time, etc.)
- Negotiation, drafting or review of your company agreements
- Relations with labour authorities and social security bodies (URSSAF, CPAM, CARSAT, etc.)
- Payroll and employee savings schemes (audit, optimisation of deductions, workplace accident pricing, draft employee savings schemes)
- Occupational health and safety: audit, single risk assessment document, working conditions for external contractors, arduous work, psychosocial risks, occupational medicine, crisis management in the event of an accident in the workplace.
Auditing your practices and social documentation to identify any risks and take appropriate corrective action.
- Defending employers before the industrial tribunal and the labour division of the Court of Appeal (dismissal, harassment, etc.)
- Litigation before the social security courts (disputing accidents at work, litigation concerning inexcusable fault, disputing the permanent disability rate of employees, etc.)
- Actions before the courts (strikes, electoral disputes, challenges to the appointment of a trade union representative, etc.)
- Actions before the administrative courts (challenging decisions to refuse authorisation for dismissal, etc.)
- Criminal defence of the employer (workplace accidents, discrimination, etc.) and protection of its civil interests when it is the victim of a criminal offence.
- “Inter-company” training courses
Topical training in labour law
Thematic training (employment contracts, redundancies, social and economic committees, etc.) - In-company training
Specifically tailored to the needs of the company (rights and duties of the manager, payroll, operation of the CSE/Business and Social Council, involvement of external companies, management of expatriate employees, etc.).